Ozo Group extends partnership with Gzira United FC

Ozo Group is delighted to announce that the partnership with Gzira United Football Club has been extended. This partnership is between two organisations sharing the same values, and with the ambitions of becoming a force to be reckoned within their respective fields . We look forward to continuing being part of this ambitious project, whilst we […]
Proudly Supporting The Pink October Campaign

On Friday, October 18th we welcomed Mrs Muscat at our new offices to present her with a donation towards the The Marigold Foundation – Malta. Our CEO Mr. Fabio Muscat presented the donation to Mrs Muscat on behalf of the group, whilst the staff presented a donation from the money fundraised during October Events.
Pink October 2019

During the month of October Ozo Group in collaboration with the social committee within the same company organised several fundraising events in aid of Marigold’s Pink October Campaign The group sponsored the social committees activities, so that all the money raised during the event go towards the foundation. The events organised were: Pink Doughnut DayCrepes […]
Proud Partners of Laurens Schulze Doering

Ozo Group proudly partnered up with Laurens Schulze Doering , Malta’s Golf Champion. Schulze Doering, is Malta’s youngest ever champion in 131 years of the island’s golf history , at just 15 years old .
Proud Partners of LifeCycle Challenge 2019

On behalf of everyone at the group, we would like to congratulate LifeCycle Challenge Malta and most of all our very own star, Ruth Debono for completing this year’s challenge! OzoGroup are honoured and proud to have partnered up with lifecycle Malta in aid of this good cause!