Pink October #5

The last Pink Friday arrived, summarizing a month filled with initiatives aimed at raising breast cancer awareness.

Uniting all the activities, we closed our office at 1pm and served delicious pizzas for lunch, while directing the previous Beer Pong teams to a surprise Bra Pong tournament at the cafeteria.

It was a tight competition with very commited players, awarding the 3 top winners with various prizes for acing the tournament.

But it´s not all fun and games:

We invited Ms Michelle Muscat from Marigold Foundation, and with her, a lady that is currently battling with breast cancer.

They shared first-hand insights on their experiences, what to do, and how to check yourself regarding breast cancer.

Closing the day, we presented our donation to Marigold Foundation, together with all the contributions gathered from our employees fundraising.

May these messages and events allow everyone to become more aware about this serious issue and with this, we can help to save the lives of our loved ones.

Don´t let this fight fade away.